Saturday, January 31, 2009

New Haircut!!!

I chopped it off!!! This is not a great picture, but it gets to the point! I don't remember when or if I have ever had my hair this short...probably back when I was a kid. I wanted something new and my hair was getting long and with it being thick it was giving me headaches. It is definitely a lot lighter and surprisingly a lot easier to fix!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

WW: Bye Bye

I have seen on several blogs WW: Wordless Wednesday. This is where you post a pic and just put a caption above it that explains the pic. I thought that this would be a neat idea and even if I don't get a chance to sit down and blog everyday there would be something at least every Wednesday. So here is my first one and I am going to try and stick with it!!!

Update on Sleep!!!

Well...Last night went a little better! DD only got up a handful of times and when she did finally go to sleep she slept until 6:10 a.m., which is not bad. Would of liked to sleep in a little longer but there is always nap!!!
We are going to keep are fingers crossed and hope that it only gets better with time!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


About the first part of December maybe the end of November DD decided she didn't want to sleep in her crib anymore...I mean absolutely refused! We would put her in her bed and before you could even get out of the room she had climbed out of her crib and was following behind you. If you did manage to get out and close the door then you would hear her pounding and screaming at her door a few seconds later. We tried the whole trying to put her back in bed or ignoring her but she is so stubborn and strong willed that she literally went on for most of the night! Usually, we were so tired that we would give in and let her come to bed with us. I know BAD mistake!!!
Anyways, we were planning on changing her crib into a bed and redoing her room after Christmas. I was trying to hold off as long a possible for one her crib makes into a full size bed instead of a toddler or twin which is good for when she gets older, but it is a lot of bed now and for two my mom was getting her her new bedding! Grandma said she would give it to us earlier if need be but I just hated to do that!
Sooo...the day after Christmas we put her bed together!!!

She was really excited about it when we were putting it together, but when it came to bedtime she wasn't to sure about it. There was a little bit of a fit and wanted Daddy to lay down with her and read her a book, which was fine! She got up twice to try and come to bed with us and then she fell asleep in her own bed! I thought that wasn't to bad especially for the first night! Well...the next night came and she wanted the same thing, but this time when DH tried getting out of bed she woke up and threw a fit. This went on for several nights and then I finally told DH that he needed to stop doing that and that she needed to learn to go to sleep by herself! She did really good at first only getting up once or maybe twice and we even got to the point that she was not even getting up and sleeping threw the whole night...yay!!! I guess I spoke to soon..
Now all the sudden in the last week she is refusing to stay in her bed again! When she goes to bed which keep in mind that she has to have her cow,baby,blankie,a book, and usually she will yell for Rowdy (dog) to come in and sleep with her, which sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn't and on the nights he don't that causes another problem! Oh , and she will usually say she has to go potty even if she just went and we still put a diaper on at night just in case!
Anyways, getting around to the whole point of this blog last night I don't think she slept for more than an hour!!! She kept getting out of bed and bringing everything out of her bed into our room and when we told her to go back to bed you would of thought the world was coming to an end! We both took her back into her room several times,tried ignoring her, tried taking her stuff away, and I 'm sure I am forgetting something! She just kept trying to come up with excuses and the thing is she lays down for her nap just fine!!!
I don't now...trying to blame it on the TERRIBLE TWO's!!! I hope tonight goes better and it was just some random night!!!
I will post more pics of her room later. I need to finish getting some stuff up on her walls!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

First Post...

Sooo...I have been going to start blogging for awhile now and just have not got around to creating a profile. So today with it being nasty outside, having the house completely clean for once, and DD taking a nap I decided to sit down and just do it!
I wanted to create this blog so that I can have a way to document some events because needless to say I don't get much time to scrapbook and thought this might be useful in keeping track of everything.
Don't guarantee how often it will get updated but I sure am going to try! Well, I guess that is it for now and I will start my real blogging soon!