It started out yesterday as sleet and lasted most of the day and night and then sometime during the night it turned into snow and of course the wind is blowing so that means drifts!They were saying on the news that we are in a pocket right now and that it is suppose to hit again! Depending on what channel you watch they said we could have anywhere from 6 to 12 inches out of this. The weather man said on average we get about 15 inches in a winter and we were sitting at about 6 before all this and they said we could go well over the average with this storm.It is suppose to be Spring and in Kansas spring means worrying about tornadoes, which we had Severe thunderstorms last Monday and were in a tornado watch! Only in Kansas...I am so ready for spring though and warmer weather!!!
This is the view out my front door of my front yard and my side yard to the east.
This is a view of my back yard and the side yard. The little black speck on the the right of the first picture is a car over on the road to the west of us...we can usually see the cars on that road very clearly! This is the view from inside the house...the picture on the top is the windows on the front side (south) of the house and they are covered with snow and the picture on the bottom is the windows on the back side (north) of the house covered with ice. What a lovely view...NOT!!! I only have one window on the west side that I can see out of at the moment.
Wow that snow is beautiful. We are having crazy weather here too.