Monday, April 20, 2009

Nothing Much!!!

Well...we haven't done much lately just the normal hanging around the house and the occasional errand. This weekend was pretty nice...we actually spent a lot of family time together! DH is usually off working on something or I am trying to get things done around here or entertaining DD, which doesn't take! Don't get me wrong we spend family time together most evenings and DH is in and out through out the day, or we get a day here and there when it is yucky out...but it just don't seem like we get a whole weekend together and especially just to mess around and have nothing that we had to do!

Friday we ran to town to run some errands and pick up some supplies for a new project that I have been thinking about...more on that when I get the details worked out, and some of our friends came out that evening with the little boy that they have been watching for a play date, which the kids loved! Oh, and we had another baby calf today!

Saturday we decided to go garage selling since it wasn't raining like they called for. There was a city wide and a neighbor hood garage sales going on...we didn't find anything but it ended up being a gorgeous day and then we went to my mom's and had lunch with my mom, sister, and brother! After lunch we came home checked cows and DH decided he would go ahead and mow at least around the house because they were talking more rain again, so while DH mowed DD and I colored with sidewalk chalk and blew bubbles! By the time we finished and was heading in the storms were starting to roll in so we went in and got cleaned up and ate supper and then spent the rest of the evening listening to the thunder storm and watching TV and actually went to bed early!!! It was funny every time it thundered DD would say "I'm fine" and curl up on one of our laps.

Sunday we slept in a little, which was surprising seeing how we went to bed early and then got up and went to late church. We went by and picked up Grammy and she rode to church with us and then after church we went to Braum's for lunch. When we got home DD had fallen asleep in the car so DH carried her in and laid her in bed and DH decided he was going to take a nap also, so while they napped I cleaned some stuff up and messed around in the office. After they got up we went out to check on cows...I know we do that a lot, but that is a daily occurrence, especially when we have some that are expecting, which we had a new little heifer! DH tagged her and then we went in and got supper and then watched our Sunday night shows and then was off to bed!

Nothing to exciting but it was a good weekend and now it is Monday and this week is going to be a little busy but they are talking nice weather so here's wishing for a good week also! Ok, enough rambling...this post turned out to be a little longer than I had!!!

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