Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sugar Doll Award

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! I am now playing catch up on my blog reading and on my blog.

I received the Sugar Doll Award from a fellow mommy blogger Ginger. She is a loving, caring, and a very involved army wife and mommy to 1 beautiful daughter and has a son on the way in February! Her blog is one that I check on a regular basis and enjoy. Go check it out!!! Thank you very much Ginger for this sweet award and for thinking of me.

The rules are to write 10 things you are Thankful for.

I am Thankful For...

1.That I know the Lord. I have gotten away from him in the past, but since the birth of our beautiful daughter I have brought him back in my life. Even when I doubted him he was always there and he has shown that.

2. My loving husband. I married my best friend and even though we have some trying times I wouldn't change it for the world.

3. For my beautiful, but ornery daughter. We waited 4 LONG years for her and now I don't know what I would do without her.

4. For our health.

5. For my mom. Even though we have had our differences she is always there when I need her the most.

6. For my twin sister and my brother. I know that I can always turn to them also and they have always been there.

7. For our extended family that have always been supportive and there when needed.

8. My true friends that are there for the good, bad, and the fun.

9. For everything that I have...house, food, vehicles, etc. I am thankful because during this time I know that there are several that don't have much or anything.

10. Life. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Now I am going to tag these 2 blog friends~They have alot to be Thankful For this year.

momments with love~http://momentswithlove.blogspot.com/
home...Hands full, HEARTS full, Quiver full!~http://www.kellerfamilyof9.com/



  1. thank you SO much!! we certainly do have a lot to be thankful for. i love your list!

  2. Thanks for your kind words. Your so sweet!! I hope you are doing well. I enjoyed learning more about you! Hugs, Ginger
